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BEAUTY HAIR LINE / Air conditioners
La linea beauty hair nasce dalla sinergia tra l’avanzata tecnologia dei nostri laboratori di ricerca e pregiati ingredienti altamente funzionali, assicurando risultati immediati, visibili ed apprezzabili fin dalla prima applicazione, per soddisfare ogni esigenza su tutti i tipi di capelli.
It is a product line intended for the restructuring and beauty of hair, through a wide range of specific treatments and individual products that fully meet the expectations of functional aesthetic results as indicated in their names.
Air conditionerslinea beauty hair have been designed and realized for simple use, very short application times, guaranteed results, the held of the hairstyle and protection against high temperatures, to fully satisfy both the Professional needs and the ones for private use of the Final Consumer. Formulated without perfumes, colors and thickenings, they can be used frequently and in a completely safe way, to maintain a perfectly healthy status both of hair and scalp.
The extraordinary and innovative formulative technology of Villa Borghini products has allowed to create Treatments and Single Products perfectly compatible, combinable and synergic between themselves and the whole range of Villa Borghini Products, that has passed in University Seat the strictest Clinical-Pharmacological Tests for the Maximum Safety provided by the Repeated Insult Patch Test, allows to create combinations to satisfy, at the same time, both curative and aesthetic needs.

Air conditioners

Crema Rigenerante 100 ml


Air conditioners

Disciplinary Cream 100 ml


Air conditioners

Re-integrating Mask 100 ml
